So Who Really Hires UK Secret Shoppers?
Most Top High Street Retailers use Mystery Shopping
The process is as simple as visiting the company’s website and signing up. As you will see, there are some other steps to take to make sure you are accepted to work with any mystery shopping company. As some companies do screenings, training and sometimes interviewing is necessary to become a shopper with that company.
More Information
Once you are hired by a mystery shopping company, you will need to fill out a profile. The profile will ask you simple questions about who you are and what you have to offer to the company. These profiles are about wanting to get to know you and the lifestyle you lead. Once you have a profile completed, you will be able to browse through available shops at our website. This allows you to see the types of secret shopper jobs that we have available in your area. You Will be able to apply for and get jobs right away. In some cases, you may have to go through a brief training process.
How Does Secret Shopping Work?
We pay you to shop, complete offers, receive gifts and test new products. To get started, fill out the form on the left or click here. As soon as you have signed up you will receive a notification email. One of our team members will then review your application and you will receive a response within 48 hours.
If you are accepted. You will instantly be sent a spreadsheet (document) filled with offers, trials and gifts you can claim. We’ll also send you information about offers near you ( e.g. free meals, car test drives or other outings).
Anything Else?

Also you need:
- Access to a Computer and a Internet Connection
- A Credit/Debit Card to Perform To Mystery Shop
- A Valid Phone Number and Mailing Address
- 2-3 Hours Per Day